Other course projects

other course projects worth mentioning

ROS learning

I am actively learning the ROS with the ROS construct website. I have completed the following courses (along with the course projects) till now.

  • ROS basics: Practice with the ROS elements, such as topic, service, and action, in controlling different robots under Gazebo.
  • ROS in autonomous driving car: Different sensor readings, i.e., Lidar, camera, and GPS, are processed. An obstacle avoidance controller is built with a safety feature in dealing with the loss of command messages. The control command in the form of a CAN-BUS message is sent to the drive-by-wire node to control the vehicle.
  • ROS SLAM and navigation: The SLAM package gmapping is first used to build the map of an unknown environment. The acml package is then adopted for the localization purpose. Finally, the global planning algorithm and local planner have been setup with move_base package in completing the navigation task.


Deep Orange 7: REINVENT THE BMW MINI 2025

I was involved in the first stage of the Deep Orange 7 project. I was in the interior team. Multiple functions have been designed to make 2025 MINI cooper a more customized and intelligent vehicle. The new technology and MINI customer experience is highly considered to bring about the new driving experience. The details and outcomes of this project can be found in the website.


Automotive Electronic Project Series:

  • Arduino and many kinds of sensors and servos were used to make the autonomous ground vehicle and flying pizza box. By writing the codes in Arduino, the functions of these autonomous vehicles were realized.
  • The groud vehicle can drive along the ramp without the collision with obstacles.
  • The pizza box can fly from the predefined point A and land autonomously on the predefined point B.
  • The center panel system of MINI Cooper was designed by using Visual Studio.


Magna suspension development project:

In this project, I was a member of the suspension development team went through the “voice of customer”/”problem definition” session all the way to the “cost analysis” session:

  • Gantt Chart is used to track the activities against time.
  • Quality function deployment (QFD) is used to convert the customer requirements (voice of customer) into quantitative parameters.
  • The product is built with Solidworks, and Finite Element Analysis is conducted
  • PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a structured approach that assigns quality risks levels to each manufacturing process step.
  • Cost analysis is conducted based on supply chain, estimation of production volume, and investment.


More projects will be updated …